16 Corporate Jobs for New Immigrant Teachers When There Are No Teaching Jobs Available

Corporate Jobs for Immigrant Teachers and those with teaching degrees
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You are a new immigrant teacher but there are no teaching jobs available ? No problem.

There are many new immigrant teachers like you who are immigrating to the US each year. Many of you have spent years in the teaching field prior to coming over.

And when you come over, you may find yourself in either of these situations:

        • You must update and upgrade your credentials to apply for teaching jobs.
        • There are no teaching jobs at all.
        • Teaching jobs’ pay is too low to support the cost of living in your area.

Despite these bumps on the road, do not forget that you are a wonderful, talented teacher and a person full of potential.

The fact that you have chosen education as your vocation speaks volumes of your passion and character. 

Plus, as teachers, you have undergone numerous training courses and have amassed experiences that gave you wide-ranging abilities that you can apply to other fields.

The following are several CORPORATE JOBS that new immigrants with teaching degrees can apply to.


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New Immigrant Teachers As Sales Representatives

What makes a good salesperson? We can rattle off so many qualities of what makes a good salesperson.

A few of the many qualities are:

      • A good salesperson can explain things using simple terms that the customer can understand.
      • Patience is a skill and virtue that a salesperson possesses because it takes time before a client can decide.
      • A good salesperson is good at recognizing details about the customer that the product can address and vice versa.
      • A good salesperson is superb at multitasking, dealing with so many people and processes.

And all of these sound like what a teacher already does with students, and more.

If you are a new immigrant teacher, when faced with no-vacancy on teaching jobs, you may consider a salesperson position.

Teachers make great salespersons.

New Immigrant Teachers As Translators Or Interpreters

New immigrant teachers like you, most likely, have a mastery of at least one more language other than English. 

If you are multilingual, you are ahead of the ballgame!

For example, it is not unusual for Filipino immigrants to be conversant in English and their national language (Filipino/Tagalog). 

Furthermore, it is not unusual for Filipinos to speak at least one more ethnic language, in addition to English and Tagalog. (FYI: The Philippines has 170+ languages and people groups.)

Depending on the company that you will be employed at, there may be a need for translators and interpreters in day-to-day transactions. Customer-facing industries like hospitality, retail, and healthcare need translation services.

Even in industries that are not necessarily customer-facing, there may still be a need for translation tasks instruction manuals and human resources information dissemination.

Again, as teachers, you bring in your good listening skills, your patience, and your passion to help educate the people on both sides of the interpretation/translation fences.

New immigrant teachers like you make great translators and interpreters. You bring the knowledge and the nuances of the culture that is associated with the language you are translating.

New Immigrant Teachers As Marketing Specialists

Do not confuse SALES with MARKETING, although sales is a part of marketing.

As per USCHAMBER.COM, the MARKETING PROCESS is focused on familiarizing a company’s brand and product with new customers or refamiliarizing it with former ones whereas the SALES PROCESS includes creating a plan that outlines an organization’s actions, tools, resources and overall sales goals.

Immigrant teachers like you have unique perspectives of your people group that may be relevant to marketing certain products and services. 

For example, an American grocery chain located in an area where there is a large Asian population starts an “Asian food aisle”. 

The said aisle has selections of Japanese, Chinese, South Asian and Filipino food items. That is a result of astute marketing. (The sales aspect comes into the process to increase the retailing of those Asian food items.)

The same grocery chain has another branch in a predominantly white/Caucasian neighborhood, and it does not have an “Asian food aisle”. (Because there’s no one to “market” it to. The merchandise on the shelves must have a demographic to cater to.)

As an immigrant, you know what products you need and want. If you are employed in a company where you can have access to decision-making that impacts these choices, that is great!

As an immigrant teacher wanting to be in marketing, you can observe, do research, and give feedback to your company. You can tell them about the need for products and services to your target market and target locations and help increase sales and profits.

Teachers make great marketers.

New Immigrant Teachers As Executive Assistants

Teachers can handle most, if not all, of what a secretary can do.

An executive assistant or secretary is a professional who provides work for an office or a specific person in an office. Usually, that person is in a higher position.

The executive assistant or secretary’s day-to-day tasks include:

        • Greeting visitors
        • Answering questions (in person or on the phone or via emails)
        • Directing people to locations within the building
        • Book meetings, set up schedules
        • Take notes and minutes 
        • Administrative chores like filing, organizing, copying, and typing
        • Manage and order office supplies
        • Encode data entry and files 
        • Make travel arrangements
        • Many more

Not so different with someone having a teaching job: You greet your students (and their parents), answer their questions, conduct meetings, etc.

Teachers can handle all the above tasks plus more.

Teachers like you can have an impact on your visitors’ experience with your company by being the person that you are (and were trained for). You are patient, a good listener and able to make people understand processes and situations.

Furthermore, there is a specialized niche created by company executives who prefer assistants to be of the same ethnicity as theirs

For example, if you are Ukrainian immigrant and there is an executive who prefers to have an assistant of Ukrainian descent. Possibly because of the need for trust, discretion, and ease of communication. Just by being an immigrant, you are fortunate to have a shot at this specialized job opening.

Teachers make great secretaries, executive assistants, and office managers.

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New Immigrant Teachers As Event Planners

Teachers like you are very good at planning events (on a budget, at that!). Many a time, you must shell out your own money to help pay for a school party (or at least some aspect of the party, like the décor or the food). 

As an event planner, you will be planning on a bigger scale and using someone else’s money. And get paid while doing it!

Teachers like you are very good listeners. As an event planner, you listen to the wish and wants of the person who wants (and is paying for) the event you will be planning.

To deliver the best results, you must make sure that you have listened carefully to every detail so that you can execute it according to their wishes and vision.

Teachers are creative people. As an event planner, you must dig deep into your creative basket and apply your skills in event planning.

Teachers like you are trained to be organized. Event planning requires budgets to be detailed and sufficient, timelines are on point and each item and moving part of and for the event identified and prepared.

Teachers like you are detail oriented. Event planning requires someone who is a “nitpick” for everything to be close to perfection from start to finish.

Networking is second nature to teachers like you. For someone who had to deal with many students, plus their parents, plus their co-workers and the community, networking is easy-peasy for you.

You have this skill to connect with needed people for the event: DJ, venue owners, florists, caterers, etc.

Teachers like you are unfazed by sudden changes and drama: You have ridden those storms several times over. Event planning requires the planner to be flexible and adaptable and be able to think on their toes.

You are it – you have been through student vs student, teacher vs student and/or parent vs teacher dramas. 

You are resourceful and flexible, whatever changes and problems are thrown at you. You are grace under pressure, personified.

Teachers make great event planners.

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New Immigrant Teachers As Job Interviewers

Teachers like you are empathetic. It is almost second nature to you to show that you understand and share the feelings of others.

You had this skill honed when you were teaching your students.

As a recruiter, you can home in on what your applicant is feeling about him/herself and about the job.

Teachers have the uncanny ability to “read” nuances and have faith in people. You know that “do not judge the book by its cover” can be applied to applicants as it applied to your students.

There are diamonds in the rough and you could change a life by giving him/her a chance at the position.

Teachers like you are very good listeners. A recruiter who does not listen as much and who dominates the conversation may not be able to gather all the information that is needed from the applicant.

Not listening enough defeats the very purpose of “getting to know” the applicants better to be able to gauge if they are fit for the job.

Teachers like you are good at research. A recruiter must thoroughly research each role they want to fill – what skills are needed for the positions. On the flip side of that equation, the recruiter also needs to research the applicants.

It will be your job to check if the credentials they present to you are true, logical, and believable.

Teachers like you are good at encouraging people. A good recruiter will encourage the rejected applicants by highlighting their strengths and suggesting ways to improve on their next job application.

A good recruiter could also suggest jobs that are more suitable to the applicant’s present skillset. 

A good recruiter sounds like a good teacher who highlights, suggests, and motivates those who did not pass the test this time. 

Teachers make great hiring officers.

New Immigrant Teachers As Human Resources Specialists

Teachers like you are good at interacting with people. Listening, written communication, verbal, and public speaking are areas that, as a teacher, you have been trained to do.

As an HR specialist, you will be applying all these communication avenues.

Immigrant teachers like you will be very good at interacting with minorities, most especially with similar ethnicity as you. 

As a minority yourself, you have multicultural knowledge and sensitivity that will be beneficial to a company with a diverse workforce.

Teachers like you are good at organization. As an HR specialist, you will be handling and managing calendars, scheduling, project management, onboarding, records, and filing.

Teachers are good at working in a team environment. As HR specialist, you will be in the center of things.

The bosses, department heads, and many others will be connecting with you regarding their workforce needs. 

Fellow employees will be connecting with you about their own needs like scheduling changes, time-offs, benefits, and many others. You will also be able to mediate between management, and rank and file at times.

Teachers make great HR specialists.

New Immigrant Teachers As Corporate Trainers

Teachers educate their students. As a corporate trainer, you will be back to familiar arena that you love: EDUCATION. This time, educating your company’s employees.

You will be helping your company’s employees to learn on how to be better at doing their jobs in many possible ways. 

Teachers like you can help people interact with people from other departments to increase cooperation and coordination. As a trainer you can help employees, especially the new ones, align the company’s mission and vision with the day-to-day activities and processes they do at work.

In the case of a new product or a new process being introduced into the company’s system, it will be your job as a trainer to do PK (product knowledge) training.

Product training is done to make employees learn about these these changes/new products and how to adapt to them. Not so different from a classroom situation when you were teaching in school, really.

Teachers like you are very good listeners. As a corporate trainer, your “students” just happened to be a more mature set of people to coach and teach.

Your “students” will have questions, too, and you must be very good at hearing and listening to them and what they mean to say.

Teachers make great corporate trainers.

New Immigrant Teachers As Onboarding Coaches

Teachers educate their students inside and outside the classroom. As an onboarding coach, you educate your new hires.

You give them lectures, show them manuals and tour them around the office and introduce them to their departments and the key people they will be working with within the company.

You will be showing them where the cafeteria is, where the restrooms are, telling them about dress codes and other information that are not necessarily covered by formal pre-employment lectures.

Not so much difference when you go on field trips with your students. 😁

New immigrant teachers like you can be great onboarding coaches.

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New Immigrant Teachers As Artists And Creatives

Teachers are creatives. This is most especially true if you happen to be an Art, Music or Theater teacher.

There are many corporate jobs that employ creatives in their product designs, in the making of tutorial videos, etc.

You can allow yourself to explore the many available opportunities as an artist. You do not need to be stuck with a strict teaching job or a teaching job only. 

New immigrant teachers like you can take this big transition in your life to explore what you really want to do with your art.

New Immigrant Teachers As Instructional Designers

To be an instructional designer, one has to be really passionate about teaching others. AND THAT’S WHERE YOU, TEACHERS, ARE GOOD AT!

You can be instructional designers for a company in making their trainings and tutorials and instruction manuals. You can design modules and online classes, too.

New immigrant teachers like you can take it up a notch when you inject to it your knowledge of language and culture as well (if the project and task at hand require it).

If you are a teacher who draws, you can use that skill to make instructional manuals with visuals (e.g., parts of a machine or how-to-assemble-something visuals).

Basically, instructional design is a large-scale “lesson planning”.

Teachers can be great instructional designers. 

New Immigrant Teachers As Writers

English teachers and those teaching Grammar and/or Communication can be in many corporate roles that relate to the written word. 

If you are one of these wonderful English teachers, with your expertise on this matter, you can step into the role of a writer in a corporate setting.

You can be your company’s product details writer, the writer for the company’s blog/website, instructional writer for the services the company offers and many more.

You could also be the proofreader for the manuals, emails, memos, and contracts of your company. An error in grammar, sentence construction, clarity and tone can break a deal.

Teachers make very good writers in the corporate setting.

New Immigrant Teachers As Project Managers

Teachers like you are at good leading, managing and striving towards the delivery of excellent education to your students.

As a project manager, you lead people, manage, aim, and work towards the delivery of expected results/products.

You will be responsible for many moving parts like the budget, deadline, workforce and/or machinery, logistics and methods.

With a little bit of additional training and certification, project management is not much different than teaching. Similarly, teachers aim to plan, execute, monitor, and control the elements and processes with the aim of delivering better “products” to the world – human beings who are better educated.

Teachers like you are good at interacting with people. Listening, written communication, verbal, and public speaking are areas that, as a teacher, you have been trained to do.

As a project manager, you will be in contact with several sets of people along the project path of EVERY project that you will be doing.

Teachers like you are good at organization. As a project manager, you will be handling and managing calendars, scheduling, and be on top of record keeping and filing.

Teachers are good at working in a team environment. As project manager, you are the center of things. You must know how to deal with all the people around you, regardless of rank.

Teachers make great project managers.

New Immigrant Teachers As Building Managers

Teachers like you have strong communication skills and you are patient but firm towards people.

As a building manager, you will have to deal with different kinds of people – some can be demanding and pushy and some make unreasonable requests.

You must be able to handle yourself professionally in tough situations especially when you cannot grant their request at that time or at all.

Teachers like you work great with teams. As a building manager, you will have to deal with many types of contractors and people that service the needs of the building.

You will be talking to plumbers, electricians, carpenters, utility providers, and vendors.

Teachers make great building managers and administrators.

New Immigrant Teachers As Supply Chair or Warehouse Managers

Teachers like you have strong leadership skills. As a supply-chain manager or as a warehouse manager, you lead a sizeable platoon of workers under you.

You just command respect to be followed enthusiastically to get the job done right and on time.

Teachers like you work great with teams. As a supply-chain manager or as a warehouse manager, you interact with many types of people and personalities.

You can handle yourself professionally in situations where lack of sleep, exhaustion and temper combine to form a perfect storm of trouble and forklifts and pallet jacks are around.

Teachers like you are trustworthy. As a supply-chain manager or as a warehouse manager, you are entrusted with a large inventory housed in trucks and warehouses. Your honesty and work ethics are important parts of why this job is on you.

Teachers like you have been trained to put safety above everything else. As a supply-chain manager or as a warehouse manager, you will lead a sizeable team that drives big equipment and heavy loads – and all of them MOVE AROUND and together, too. 

As a teacher, you must be a stickler for the safety of your students. As a manager in this situation, you will also be good at housekeeping, and following all measures and protocols.

You will be able to prevent injury to humans and prevent damage and loss to property and inventory because you are a stickler for safety and security rules.

Teachers like you are trained to be organized and detail oriented. As a supply-chain manager or as a warehouse manager, you will be managing manpower schedules and precise record keeping of inventory among many other duties.

Teachers can be great supply-chain managers or warehouse managers.

New Immigrant Teachers As Specialized Personnel

A Statistics teacher can work as an actuary or as a data analyst.

A Computer teacher can work as in-house tech support of a company.

A PE teacher can be an instructional designer for a company that deals with athletics. 

The list goes on and on. You have to think out of the box about how you can apply yourself to a company you are interested to be a part of.


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There you have it, dear immigrants, the alternative jobs for you who are new immigrant teachers.

Do you have a job/role that is not listed here? Let us know in the comments section. 

Share this article to a fellow immigrant.😍 Thank you!

Signature of Momsense Maria of Unauthorized Immigrant Momsense
Picture of MOMSENSE Maria

Maria is just a chatterbox (on a mission.😋)

NO ONE AUTHORIZED her to spew all this MOMSENSE, but she is a complicated cat and so she feels that she must. Be advised and take a spoonful of salt for every opinionated post you read here. And please, please consult a professional for individualized advice on life-altering decisions.

Picture of MOMSENSE Maria

Maria is just a chatterbox (on a mission.😋) NO ONE AUTHORIZED her to spew all this MOMSENSE, but she is a complicated cat and so she feels that she must. Be advised and take a spoonful of salt for every opinionated post you read here. And please, please consult a professional for individualized advice on life-altering decisions.

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